
As an HR leader, there are unique attributes that you bring that no other leader brings. Your journey has been influenced by the organizations you’ve been a part of, the leadership teams you’ve been a part of, amongst other things. There are also are common threads of challenges, issues and desires that I hear time and time again from the HR Leaders I work with, and have also uncovered in my own proprietary research As a result, I’ve created two coaching programs designed to support women in HR to lead with impact, authenticity and confidence that follows Apex’s exclusive coaching process, while remaining customizable to the specific needs of each individual client.
In both programs, we will work together on a series of assessments and tools designed to enhance self discovery and identification of strengths and shadows, and establish a solid foundation and specific goals for the coaching journey. From the foundation, we will launch into ‘just-in-time’ situational coaching where we can focus on advancing coaching goals and addressing issues as they arise.

The HR Executive Leap Start Program is for women new to the top role so that they can quickly find their footing; establish themselves as an executive- not just the HR person, position HR as a business partner, translate HR data into business information, and avoid pitfalls of new executive leadership (Some sort of call out box in light purple). HR Executive Leap Start Program
The HR Thought Partner Program is for women who’ve held the top HR seat for a while, and still want to lead with impact, expand their executive influence; model for others, and safely think out loud (Some sort of call out box in light purple) .

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Phone: (414) 708-0987
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